
>J. D. Kitch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Wrote:

>I had a working GNOME install from Woody.  I just updated to Sid,
>and everything seemed to go quite nicely, but now in GNOME, or
>rather anything that uses GTK, I see only a bunch of little squares
>where I should be seeing text.  Can anyone tell me what I hosed, and
>what I need to do to correct it?

I had he similar problem. Then I tried to use a true-type font server.

I installed xfs-xtt and then I changed the Fontpath in /etc/X11/XF86Config

from port 7100 7110.

Then restart the X server.

It appears to be working now.



Everything you know is wrong!
Bill Shui           Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Bioinformatics Programmer

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