on Tue, Sep 04, 2001 at 08:26:35AM -0400, Hall Stevenson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> Karsten M. Self (kmself@ix.netcom.com) wrote:

> > Please use postfix response and appropriate quoting
> > style.
> What the hell does that mean ?? 'appropriate quoting style' I
> understand, but asking someone to use it will likely get no
> where. If they knew 'the right way', they'd likely already be
> using it.

Line prefix characters indicating quoting depth, e.g.:  '> > ...',
accompanied with attribution lines at the top of the message (you'd
trimmed all of same) to allow association of quoted lines with author.

The "quoted message follows" style of quoting works for precisely one
generation of response.  Subsequently it's not possible to tell what the
original message was and what its reply was, particularly when multiple
postfix responses to points are made.

Postfix reply is, as mentioned elsewhere, answer-follows-question style.
AKA followup response.  Opposed to Jeopardy response.  Annoying enough
of itself, it inevitably leads to mixed-style response (QA, AQ), which
is impossible to follow.


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>          http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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