On Sat, 6 Oct 2001, Michael Grover wrote:

> is there any on-line version of the man pages?
> like for "man 5 interfaces"
> I tried "man 5 interfaces > mike.txt" but there was so many control
> chars that the text file was too hard to read.

You can strip those control chars using 'col -b'. So, you can go:

  man 5 interfaces | col -b > interfaces.txt

...open up your favorite editor (more and less don't seem to have problems
with the control chars, BTW), and it's all there in glorious ASCII text.

I learned this, by the way, from "Unix Power Tools", 2nd Edition, O'Reilly
and Associates. Far and away my favorite Unix book of any kind.

- Aaron

Aaron Hall             :  Preliminary operational tests were inconclusive.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    :  (The damn thing blew up.)

Macintosh/UNIX Weenie, Network Flack, and...eh, whatever.

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