On Sat, Oct 06, 2001 at 12:31:03AM -0500, ktb wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 06, 2001 at 12:31:44AM -0500, Michael Grover wrote:
> > is there any on-line version of the man pages?
> > 
> > like for "man 5 interfaces"
> > 
> > I tried "man 5 interfaces > mike.txt" but there was so many control
> > chars that the text file was too hard to read.
> > 
> google.com will net you lots of info -
> http://www2.linuxjournal.com/help/man.html
> kent

In fact, if you simply enter "man $prog_name" into the google search, it
often turns up the man page as one of the first few hits.  Try, for
example, "man chown" in either the normal google search (www.google.com)
or the linux specific search (www.google.com/linux) (note no trailing


Ben Hartshorne  ...Discarding smoothly, as we disembark,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] All thoughts that held us wiser for a moment
ben.hartshorne.net Up there, alone, in the impartial dark. -M. Oliver
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