John Hasler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Karsten writes:
> > The problems involve Gtk and its handling of non-8859-1 encoded fonts,
> > due to changes in X11.  The fault is Gtk, not X11.  Updating to XFree86v4
> > should help, as several other modifications to font configuration,
> > adequately addressed in d-u archives.
> I found that I had to comment out the local font server line in the "Files"
> section of /etc/X11/XF86Config-4.

Putting it at the end of the Files list seems to do the trick - but of
course, it made my system look as ugly as sin again. Mind you, I have
zero idea about how fonts work in X. It appears to be magic.

Keith Willoughby
"Playing to lose is like sleeping with your sister. 
Sure she's a great piece of tail with a blouse full of 
goodies, but it's just illegal." - Topper Harley

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