On 06-Oct 04:51, Charles Baker wrote:
> ``apt-get remove`` any XFree 3.x packages and
> ``apt-get install`` all the XFree 4.x packages.

I did have this problem under kde2--kde2 apps worked but nedit/vmware
didn't. I finally got logged into X as root (to see kde2's default setup
once), and nedit worked. So, I deleted .kde and restarted. Everything works
now. Why? I have no idea. (and neither did anyone else I asked. X/linux
doesn't like different fonts it seems.) 

I can't use mozilla now, as I've seen what konquerer looks like with
anti-aliased fonts. With X4.x.x blocky fonts are blockier. I guess, I'll do
what every-other non-coder does, wait for stuff to get better. :)

Thomas 'ah the wonders of softwear' Zimmerman

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