On Saturday 20 October 2001 12:44, Tim Kane wrote:
> I'm new to debian itself, and seem to be having a problem with regard
> to modules.
> I've succesfully compiled and booted with kernel 2.4.12 without a
> problem. The issue I have is with missing modules.
> I've done a 'make modules' and 'make modules_install' but upon
> reboot, the system is unable to locate most of these modules.. I believe
> I've followed all the the HOWTO's I could find to the letter, to no
> avail.
> Anything I'm failing to do here?
> I am able to succesfully compile and install 2.4.12 + modules on other
> distro's without error, so something's up.

Are you using modutils >= 2.4.0? I'm sure that Woody is at 2.4.10


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