Hmmm ... since I posted the message below I've installed cupsys
[although the command 'cupsys' as root did not seem to work; what
am I missing here ?] and running 'lpc status all' gives me the response
"waiting for lp to become ready (offline ?)"
'man lp' showed me the 'lp int ioctl' command to reset the printer 
but when I tried it I received the response 
"lp: command not found".

I'm sure there is a simple solution here but I can't see it.

Any advice, O Wise Ones ?

Adam Bogacki,

On Wed, Oct 24, 2001 at 10:30:42PM +1000 or thereabouts, Adam Bogacki wrote:
> Hi,
>       I'm getting conflicting info in trying to get my printer
> going again. The following was done as root ...
> # lpc start all
>       lp:     printing enabled
>               daemon started
> # lpc status all
>       lp:     queuing is enabled
>               printing is enabled
>               no entries
>               no daemon present
> Apparently, with the 'start' command the daemon is started but with the
> 'status' command immediately afterward it is not present.
> Confused ?
> So am I. Attempts to print are met with silence.
> Any ideas ?
> Adam Bogacki,

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