
On Wed, Oct 24, 2001 at 10:30:42PM +1000, Adam Bogacki wrote:
> Hi,
>       I'm getting conflicting info in trying to get my printer
> going again. The following was done as root ...
> # lpc start all
>       lp:     printing enabled
>               daemon started
> # lpc status all
>       lp:     queuing is enabled
>               printing is enabled
>               no entries
>               no daemon present
it does the same on my system           

it does not mean that 'lpd' is not working

the best way afaik to know if lpd is running is
 ps xau | grep lpd

> Apparently, with the 'start' command the daemon is started but with the
> 'status' command immediately afterward it is not present.
> Confused ?
> So am I. Attempts to print are met with silence.
> Any ideas ?
> Adam Bogacki,

A Mennucc
 "? un mondo difficile. Che vita intensa!" (Renato Carotone)

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