Patrick Lane wrote:

> What do I need to do to get java working in Galeon and/or Mozilla? I'm 
> using unstable with current packages (not cvs). Thanks in advance.
> --Patrick

The newer versions of Mozilla (0.9.x) have an "automatic" plugin d/l
feature.  If you go to a site that requires the Java VM, and you don't
have it installed, you will be asked if you want to install the plugin
from Netscape, which provides this feature.  I have done this quite
sucessfully several times here on Mozilla 0.9.1 - 0.9.5, all currently
available in "unstable".  My Bank's web page requires this feature. 
This only works for the i386 arch!!  IMPORTANT if you are using a CPU
other than Intel or Clone!!

Alternatively, you can install any of the JREs from SUN, Blackdown, or
IBM and get this feature.  This takes up a bit more disk space.  I know
for a fact that the JRE from Blackdown works.  Once again, other Archs
may NOT be supported.  On my DEC Alpha, The JRE is only available from
Compaq, but the "plugin" needed for Netscape/Mozilla to work is not

Don't know much about Galeon...haven't used it here.

-Don Spoon-

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