> | Does anyone else see the benefit for server-side subject line 
> Once you have your filters set up, and you view the list of messages
> in a folder, you alredy know what list they came from because they are
> in that folder.  Also, some people use mailers in an 80x24 terminal so
> there are only about 40 characters for your subject to fit on the
> screen.  If it starts out as "[debian-user] " then you have lost 35%
> of the space in which to explain your problem so that your message is
> read before it is filed in the bit-bucket.
> I agree that it is nice when you don't have filters, but it is not
> useful when you do have filters set up right.

To add to the above, I believe this issue has also been beaten to death
on debian-user before... heck I think I even started a thread on the
subject when I first started reading the list and before I started using
filters :-)

Check out the list archive to see what I mean.

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