At 07:23 PM 11/4/01 -0800, Mark Ferlatte wrote:
On Sun, Nov 04, 2001 at 06:39:28PM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Please please tell me that the install has significant
> improvements in woody?  That is package 'boot-floppies', right?

One would hope.

On the other hand...

I'm apparently one of the few people who have had no problems installing
Debian.  I mean, sure, the installer doesn't do much, but then again, I
don't expect it to, 'cause it's just an installer.

I figured everybody just did a minimal install and then apt-get'ed
everything on demand.

I think the trick is (which was mentioned in that article, somewhat): do
an install, but don't select any tasks, or any additional packages, and
certainly don't bother with the kernel modules stuff, except for your
net driver. Let all of that get setup, and then go and install the rest
of the stuff that you need.

As an utter newbie to Debian, I have a comment here.

It turns out I just wasted an entire day trying to get
a D-Link video card installed, with no luck at all.
So this is not an isolated case.  This is, by the way,
on a dual boot machine.  The "other" OS had no problem
recognizing this card.

This is not entirely the fault of the OS, I admit,
but it now appears that I've basically shot a whole
*&^% day over a cheap $20 NIC.

I do believe you're on the mark about keeping installs
simple.  My very first Debian install (about 4 days
ago) went surprisingly well, because I followed your
advice.  The one I just finished, this evening, seems
to be a disaster, maybe 'cuz I tried to get "clever"
about the options I was installing.  Sigh.

rafe b.

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