I've just built a new system based on a KT7A-RAID, which I know can
be made to work, but my potato install CD says that it can't find any
hard drives and offers to load any required modules from floppy.

Poking around on google, I found a message quoting a debian-boot post
from last December (which doesn't seem to be in the list archive)
which says that the way to do this is to put a hard drive on one of
the non-RAID IDE channels, install to it, build a custom kernel
using the patches from linux-ide.org, then set up your RAID to mirror
the disk that you've installed onto.

Is that still the recommended procedure for installing onto a RAID
which is handled by this board's HPT370 controller or has something
better and/or simpler been developed since last December?

When we reduce our own liberties to stop terrorism, the terrorists
have already won. - reverius

Innocence is no protection when governments go bad. - Tom Swiss

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