Greetings Carel,

Attached you will find a yet again revised copy of my fetchmailrc. rest
assured ~all~ usernames and pwords are strictly alphanumeric. I've also
included a copy of the most recent logfile. I opted for fetchall rather than
keep, as I am continuing to run getmail throughout this trial and am ~not~
running fetchmail in daemon mode.

---- <sanitized> transcript of recent log (not able to save to file from 
terminal ---

fetchmail: 5.5.5 querying <pop.ISP> (protocol POP3) at Thu, 29 Nov 2001
20:43:26 -0400 (AST)
fetchmail: POP3< +OK <ISP Mail> POP3 server (<Remote POP server release
information>) ready Thu, 29 Nov 2001 20:49:32 -0400
fetchmail: POP3> USER <remoteuname>
fetchmail: POP3< +OK Password rquired for <remoteuname>
fetchmail: POP3> PASS *
fetchmail: POP3< +OK Maildrop has 1 messages (4416 octets)
fetchmail: POP3> STAT
fetchmail: POP3< +OK 1 4416
1 message for <remoteuname> as <pop.ISP> (4416 octets)
fetchmail: POP3> LIST
fetchmail: POP3< +OK
fetchmail: POP3< 1 4416
fetchmail: POP3< .
fetchmail: POP3> RETR 1
fetchmail POP3< +OK 4416 octets
reading message 1 of 1 (4416 octets)
fetchmail: SMTP< 220 <localhostname> ESMTP Exim 3.12 #1 Thu, 29 Nov 2001
20:43:29 -0400
fetchmail: SMTP> EHLO localhost
fetchmail: SMTP< 250-<localhostname> Hello localhost (
fetchmail: SMTP< 250-SIZE
fetchmail: SMTP< 250-PIPELINING
fetchmail: SMTP< 250 HELP
fetchmail: SMTP> MAIL
FROM:<sentto-3590-28121-1007081220-<remoteuname>[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--- interjection

~This~ is the line that caught my eye. I'm assuming that this is supposed to
refer to being sent to me at my ISP and ~accepted~ by them, yet my MDA/MTA
is rejecting it based on the inane hostname that my ISP assigned me. I'm
told that I have an "internally static / externally dynamic" IP address. Any
activity from ~outside~ this not-so delightful province would not be able to
track my IP. Thusly, the beginning of my domain name is a textual version of
my static IP.

--- end of interjection

fetchmail: SMTP< 250 <sentto-<ENTRY as ABOVE>> is syntatically correct
fetchmail: SMTP< 250 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> is syntatically correct
fetchmail: SMTP> DATA
fetchmail: SMTP< 354 Enter message, ending with "." on a line by itself
fetchmail: SMTP>. (EOM)
fetchmail: SMTP< 250 OK id=169bm5-0000RL-00
fetchmail: POP3> DELE 1
fetchmail: POP3< +OK Message 1 deleted
fetchmail: POP3> QUIT

Balance speaks "eloquently" of closing the connection with my ISP.

The preceding log leads me to believe that the message was delivered, but
yet again checking my spool, $HOME/incoming, or any other locations reveals
no such message.

I've renamed my procmail to not interfere, and also looked exhasutively over
my exim config. No differences other than unames, pwords, and ISP details.

I must emphasize that all of these details are interacting quite nicely with
'getmail' but they just aren't working for fetchmail/exim/procmail

Thanks again for the help

C. Masters
# Configuration created Thu Nov 29 17:34:32 2001 by fetchmailconf
set postmaster "LocalUser"
set no bouncemail
set properties ""
poll pop.ISP with proto POP3 and options no dns
       user REMOTEUSER there with password PWORD is LOCALUSER here options 
fetchall stripcr warnings 3600
# mda '/usr/bin/procmail -d'
    antispam -1

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