On Thu, Nov 29, 2001 at 09:19:35PM -0400, cmasters wrote:
| Greetings Carel,
| Attached you will find a yet again revised copy of my fetchmailrc. rest
| assured ~all~ usernames and pwords are strictly alphanumeric. I've also
| included a copy of the most recent logfile. I opted for fetchall rather than
| keep, as I am continuing to run getmail throughout this trial and am ~not~
| running fetchmail in daemon mode.

What follows is a nice log :

| ---- <sanitized> transcript of recent log (not able to save to file from 
terminal ---
| fetchmail: 5.5.5 querying <pop.ISP> (protocol POP3) at Thu, 29 Nov 2001
| 20:43:26 -0400 (AST)
| fetchmail: POP3< +OK <ISP Mail> POP3 server (<Remote POP server release
| information>) ready Thu, 29 Nov 2001 20:49:32 -0400
| fetchmail: POP3> USER <remoteuname>
| fetchmail: POP3< +OK Password rquired for <remoteuname>
| fetchmail: POP3> PASS *
| fetchmail: POP3< +OK Maildrop has 1 messages (4416 octets)
| fetchmail: POP3> STAT
| fetchmail: POP3< +OK 1 4416
| 1 message for <remoteuname> as <pop.ISP> (4416 octets)
| fetchmail: POP3> LIST
| fetchmail: POP3< +OK
| fetchmail: POP3< 1 4416
| fetchmail: POP3< .
| fetchmail: POP3> RETR 1
| fetchmail POP3< +OK 4416 octets
| reading message 1 of 1 (4416 octets)

Fetchmail has now read the message from the POP server.  Next is what
it decides to do with it :

| fetchmail: SMTP< 220 <localhostname> ESMTP Exim 3.12 #1 Thu, 29 Nov 2001

It is using the SMTP protocol to connect to the MTA on your local host
(exim) and send it on.

| 20:43:29 -0400
| fetchmail: SMTP> EHLO localhost
| fetchmail: SMTP< 250-<localhostname> Hello localhost (
| fetchmail: SMTP< 250-SIZE
| fetchmail: SMTP< 250-PIPELINING
| fetchmail: SMTP< 250 HELP

Exim takes the connection from localhost, now the client (fetchmail)
must announce who the mesage is from :

| fetchmail: SMTP> MAIL
| FROM:<sentto-3590-28121-1007081220-<remoteuname>[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| SIZE=4416

I'm not sure what this is supposed to be, but I don't think fetchmail
is supposed to be using SMTP.  At least, I don't think it uses SMTP on
my box at work (I'll check tomorrow).  I think it just invokes the
binary and passes the message in stdin.


| fetchmail: SMTP< 250 <sentto-<ENTRY as ABOVE>> is syntatically correct
| fetchmail: SMTP< 250 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> is syntatically correct

exim says that it accepts the sender and recipient addresses.  The
recipient being you is correct.

| fetchmail: SMTP> DATA
| fetchmail: SMTP< 354 Enter message, ending with "." on a line by itself
| fetchmail: SMTP>. (EOM)
| fetchmail: SMTP< 250 OK id=169bm5-0000RL-00

exim took the message (the "250 OK" message, that id is useful to you
when you look at exim's logs).

|  flushed
| fetchmail: POP3> DELE 1
| fetchmail: POP3< +OK Message 1 deleted
| fetchmail: POP3> QUIT

Now fetchmail, having successfully delivered the message, removes it
from the server (this can be prevented with the "keep" option).

| The preceding log leads me to believe that the message was delivered, but
| yet again checking my spool, $HOME/incoming, or any other locations reveals
| no such message.

_fetchmail_ has delivered it, but it doesn't know what happens once it
is done.

Now look in /var/log/exim/mainlog and look for that id above.  You
should see a line showing that exim accepted it, then another showing
what exim did with it.  For example :

2001-11-27 14:01:21 168nTt-0000GL-00 <= [EMAIL PROTECTED] U=dman P=local S=1180

This is the entry for a message that I sent with mutt.  Mutt invokes
"exim" (or "sendmail", which is a symlink to exim) and passed the
message on stdin.  Exim records that it received the message.  A
little farther down is 

2001-11-27 14:01:28 168nTt-0000GL-00 => dman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> D=procmail 

This shows exim delivering the message.  It delivered it to user
"dman" via a pipe to procmail.  (I think this message was one I sent
to myself as a test of the system)

The log for a message that is sent out to another MTA looks like :

<date> <time> <id> => <addressee's address> R=smarthost T=remote_smtp H=<smtp 

The secret is now in your exim logs.

I recommend adding the line
    mda="/usr/sbin/exim %T"
to your .fetchmailrc so that instead of using SMTP (and being subject
to the identification checks) the message will be handed off via a



A)bort, R)etry, D)o it right this time

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