<quote who="">
> I really don't need the preaching. I wanted a straight answer. It's
> a  perfectly legitimate question to want to know if one thing
> performs better  than another, and if so, in what areas, and by how
> much. Human senses are  inaccurate to judge things such as this at
> times, especially if differences  are minute, and many factors
> affect it. A benchmark is more precise. There IS  a benchmark
> cross-platform between Mac and PC. So why not Windows and Linux?
> That was not a very helpful answer at all. It's as bad as RTFM.

what is the benchmark between mac and pc ? the only
one i could possibly think of is comparing photoshop results
which to me is a worthless benchmark(for my needs anyways).
i don't read magazines anymore so maybe they have come up
with something else..the ziff davis benchmark series was a joke
too. i remember reading about vendors who would optimize drivers
just so it would run those benchmarks faster.

i don't use gnome or kde so i dont know how much of
a performance hit you take with them. but on my systems
the only thing i need high performance for is 3D(unreal
tournament), and video encoding(Divx 4). for everday
apps today's cpus are more then powerful enough(or should
be) on any OS. i honestly noticed hardly any difference
between going from p3-800 512MB to athlon 1.3G 768MB ram.
(even in unreal tournament). and i don't believe that
changing an OS could affect overall performance by
that much(increasing ram and cpu speed as above). making
it a non issue for me and most others im sure.

i upgraded to a athlon 1.3g soley to do divx 4 video
capture with the hopes i could get more frames out
of it then my p3 but i was wrong ..for everyday
apps i can't tell a diff between my P3-700 256MB
laptop, my P3-733 512MB(ultra 160 scsi) desktop at work
and my 1.3g athlon 768mb at home(performance wise).

(my windowmanager of choice is afterstep with 32
virtual desktops on my 1600x1200 screen)

only 3 more days and my desktop at works hits the
200day uptime milestone! woohoo!#! i love debian.

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