If you run 'mount' with no arguments, it tells what type each partition is 
mounted at.
You can also do 'dmesg | grep -i ext3' to show all the ext3-related messages 
from startup, although it doesn't mention the device names of the partitions 
it's mounting.


On Saturday 01 December 2001 02:06 pm, Hall Stevenson wrote:
> Is there some app that tells me what type my partitions are mounted as
> ?? I'm now running 2.4.16 with ext3 enabled after running a patched
> kernel for quite some time...
> Here's some relevant info:
> /etc/fstab
> /dev/hdb6 /     auto    defaults,errors=remount-ro  1 1
> /dev/hdb1 /boot auto    rw                          0 2
> I tried ext3,ext2 once as the type and got mount errors. I've made sure
> I had a 'current-enough' version of e2fsprogs when using ext3. I'm
> currently running 1.25-1.
> Here's where I get confused...
> /etc/mtab
> /dev/hdb6 / auto rw,errors=remount-ro,errors=remount-ro 0 0
> /dev/hdb1 /boot ext3 rw 0 0
> I specify 'auto' in fstab and /dev/hdb1 is mounted the ideal way. But,
> how is /dev/hdb6 really mounted ?? I would hope as ext3 also.
> I do have a .journal file in both '/' and '/boot', both dated July 29
> (around the time I first tried ext3).
> Regards
> Hall

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