> > Okay, why ?? I'm open to reason. I seem to recall that this page,
> > http://www.uow.edu.au/~andrewm/linux/ext3/ext3-usage.html, says to use
> > 'auto'. I have to trust their opinion there... (btw, the page/server
> > seems to be misconfigured at the moment... I'm getting a 'Forbidden'
> > message)
> First:  I prefer explicit to implicit assignments.  Saying "mount this
> puppy as ext3" means I know how it's going to be mounted, and will get
> an explicit error if the prerequisites aren't met.  The same logic says
> that you shouldn't rely on operator precedence but make order explicit
> with grouping operators (parentheses) when programming.
> The advantage of 'auto' _may_ be that this allows you to go back and
> forth between kernels supporting ext3 and ext2.  Though this probably
> isn't a great idea of itself.  Not sure what happens if you boot a
> system with an ext3 rootfs that only supports ext2.
> Second:  the default filesystem search order (the 'auto' option's got to
> try things in some order) according to both the 'mount' manpage and
> /proc/filesystems, puts ext2 before ext3, IIRC.  This means that you
> have to rely on other means (/etc/filesystems) to override the default
> behavior.
> There's the possibility that the documentation is wrong or misleading.
> The mount (1) manpage lists ext3 _after_ ext2 in discussion the 'auto'
> fs type.  Whether this implies search order is unclear.  In any event,
> I'd not want to rely on it in its current state.  
> I had a recent email discussion with Dennis Powell (of LinuxPlanet)
> concerning his issues with ext3fs support in SuSE in which he basically
> (and rather rudely) told me I was flat wrong WRT specifying 'auto' as
> the fs type.  He didn't provide output of any of the diagnostic steps I
> suggested (contents of /proc/filesystems and /etc/filesystems). 
> I may be wrong regarding the default filesystem detection, but I
> maintain that you're better off explicitly stating what it is that you
> want, particularly for system partitions.
I also seem to recall a discussion on this list a month or so ago in
which the end result was someone saying that ext3,ext2 was the
preferred mount option for this situation.  The discussion is here:
and the recommendation was made by Vineet.
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