Hi all,

        I'm interested in making a few files available to friends of
mine, and in having an upload directory for them to give me stuff, too.
I'm wondering what's the best tool for this job.

* I'll only be talking about a very few users. (like 10 to 20 total)
* I don't have any particular interest in allowing anonymous access.
* I'd like something that's reasonably secure (especially against
sniffing and such external attacks; the users are reasonably trusted).
* It would be nice not to have to create a local user for each remote
* Ease of setup would be a major bonus.

The first thing that comes to mind is FTP, but I'm not sure it's the
right tool for the job. I've heard a lot of horror stories about its

I do remember using some sort of "ssh file transfer" client somewhere...
sometime... back in my Windoze days...  This has a promising ring to it.
Any ideas on whether that's what I'm looking for, and if so, is
there a server for this in woody?

I'm prepared to do my reading first, naturally.  But I could use some
pointers on where to start.

>    -ScruLoose-     |      Any fine morning, a power saw can fell a tree     <
>   Please do not    |           that took a thousand years to grow.          <
>  reply off-list.   |   -Edwin Way Teale, naturalist and author (1899-1980)  <

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