On Sat, Mar 15, 2003 at 02:09:58PM -0800, Jack Pistachio wrote:
> I'd suggest ssh, sftp, and scp, which all come in the
> debian ssh package.  To use these with windows, I'd suggest
> putty sftp client for windows.  This seems th easiest way
> to do it.  This, of course, requires that your friends are
> users on your system.
> -jackp

Hmm, yes.
Thanks (at large) for the suggestions I've received.
I think that the ssh package with its sftp seems like the solution I'm
looking for.  Then I can direct my 'users' to putty or to ssh.com for
their client prog. -- whichever they prefer.

Now, I'm wondering about a couple of details.  Can any experienced
administrators tell me:  would it make sense to create one or two
special users for the ftp access (like ftp-ro, and ftp-rw, for example)
rather than having to build an account for each person...  Though I
suspect it might be more appropriate to create 1 user per user -- and
then just toss'em in a group.
I'm somewhat newbie in general, and I have *no* experience with
adminstering a multi-user environment... Sorry if my question is dumb.

And what about rssh?  Has anybody tried it?  It doesn't seem to be in
stable... does that mean I can't / shouldn't use it on my woody box?  If
I do want it, will I need to compile-my-own?
Any opinions on whether the security provided by rssh is

        Thanks again
>        -ScruLoose-        |      Dear Lord, never put me in the charge      <
>       Please do not       |           of a frightened human being.          <
>      reply off-list.      |               -Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.               <

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