On Sat, 2003-03-15 at 02:05, Paul Johnson wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Fri, Mar 14, 2003 at 09:38:23PM -0800, Jack Pistachio wrote:
> > Anyone know of a plugin to play *.wma files in xmms?
> > Or howabout a way to convert this proprietary madness to
> > ogg format?
> mencoder might be able to do it for you.

I made this script a few months ago to automatically convert a whole
bunch of wma files to ogg. I had problems with mencoder as well, so
instead it uses mplayer to play the file to a wav, and then encodes the
wav using oggenc. This was never really intended to leave my hard drive,
so the term "user friendly" is foreign to it. :) But being that it's 22
lines long, it should be easy enough to figure out. :) I'll put in some
comments on things that are likely to need to be changed:



#You should just run this from the directory where the files
#you want to convert are located. But you can also optionally
#just specify the path here.
opendir (ENCDIR, "./");
@dirlist = grep {/\.wma$/} readdir (ENCDIR);
closedir ENCDIR;
#These are just used for specifying the names to use when encoding
#to ogg. You can change them to whatever you want.
$album = "The Eminem Show";
$artist = "Eminem";
foreach (@dirlist) {
# These next two lines are very specific to the filenames you're using.
# If you know a little bit of perl, you can modify them for your use.
# Otherwise, I'd suggest just doing it by hand.
  $tracknum = substr($_,0,2);
  $trackname = substr($_,3,-4);
  print "Converting $_ to WAV...";
  `mplayer -ao pcm -aofile encodeme.wav "$_" 2>/dev/null`;
  print "done!\n";
  print "Encoding to ogg:\n";
  print "   Number: $tracknum\n";
  print "   Track : $trackname\n";
  `oggenc -a $artist -N $tracknum -t "$trackname" -l "$album" -n "\%a -
\%t.ogg" encodeme.wav`;
  print "done!\n\n";

-----end encodeme.pl-----

Good luck. :)

Alex Malinovich
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