
I recently changed my procmail rc file, and now I'm getting this

    procmail: Extraneous locallockfile ignored

in my procmail logs.  The change was:

        :0 c


which is supposed to make a copy of the list messages for archival
purposes, and put a copy into my list mailbox so that I can manage
those messages within mutt.  I think this works, but I keep getting
that warning and I don't know how to get rid of it.

The warning appears before most messages, regardless of their
destination / procmail status.


Christopher S. Swingley             phone: 907-474-2689
Computer / Network Manager          email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IARC -- Frontier Program            GPG and PGP keys at my web page:
University of Alaska Fairbanks      www.frontier.iarc.uaf.edu/~cswingle

 "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary 
  safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."  -- Ben Franklin

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