on Fri, Dec 14, 2001 at 01:49:20PM -0900, Christopher S. Swingley ([EMAIL 
PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Hi
> I recently changed my procmail rc file, and now I'm getting this
> warning:
>     procmail: Extraneous locallockfile ignored
> in my procmail logs.  The change was:
>     :0:
The colon following the '0' is your extraneous lockfile.  You don't have
to lock a nested block, and in fact, probably shouldn't.

>     {
>         :0 c
You _should_ have a lockfile here.

>             foobarlist_archive
>         :0
And here.

>             in-foobarlist
>     }
> which is supposed to make a copy of the list messages for archival
> purposes, and put a copy into my list mailbox so that I can manage
> those messages within mutt.  I think this works, but I keep getting
> that warning and I don't know how to get rid of it.
> The warning appears before most messages, regardless of their
> destination / procmail status.

Procmail's syntax is...terse.  From the procmailrc man page, a line
starting with a ':' is the start of a recipie.

  :0 [flags] [: [locallockfile ]

...the ':' _following_ the '0' denotes a lockfile should be used.  Any
time you're writing to a standard file, you should use a lockfile.  The
usual exception is writes to /dev/null, unless your null device has a
propensity to become corrupted.  Generally, the latter is a concern only
if you need to ensure accurate long reads from your null device.


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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