I could use some pointers; I've gone back a few months in the mailing list 
archives, and just cannot find an answer to this.

I'm a debian newbie, having been running Mandrake for the past year. I just 
got a second computer to use for debian, figuring I'd work out all the kinks 
on the install there before trashing my "main" machine with a from-scratch 
debian install.

Anyway, I got potato CDs (burned them from downloaded isos) and installed 
potato on the new system, without installing X. I then upgraded to woody 
(changed stable to testing in sources.list, and did apt-get update and 
apt-get upgrade-dist) and this seemed to go ok (actually I lost the "man" 
command, but apt-get install man-db seemed to fix that). 

My problem now is: How do I get kde? apt-get install kde doesn't work, 
telling me I need to specify a package name. Looking at the listing of 
packages in /var/apt/cache, there are a whole bunch of kde-related packages, 
but it isn't clear what to select to just get the whole kde installed (I am 
assuming that when I apt-get kde, X will come along automatically due to 
dependencies). Do I need to install each kde package individually? That 
doesn't seem right, since I thought the whole point of debian (well, one of 
the whole points, anyway) was the power and simplicity of apt-get.

I also tried tasksel, but while it does give me gnome as a choice, I prefer 
kde and that doesn't seem to be one of the pre-configured tasks.

Help appreciated, especially if there is some location I should be looking in 
that gives this sort of information in general for various packages. I have a 
bunch of stuff on my MDK system that was installed by the MDK installer 
automagically (like cdrecord and cups). I don't mind getting the specific 
things I want via apt-get (in fact, I prefer it so my harddrive doesn't 
resemble a junkyard filled with stuff I don't want) but it's a bummer if I 
have to ask for help to identify the packages needed for each thing.


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