> >> Unable to find the Ncurses libraries. 
> >>
> >> You must have Ncurses installed in order 
> >> to use 'make menuconfig' 
> make[1]: *** [ncurses] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory
> `/usr/src/linux/scripts/lxdialog' 
> make: *** [menuconfig] Error 2
> ===== End of the error message =====
> So, 'make menuconfig' claims that ncurses is not
> installed.
> Searching for 'ncurses' in dselect shows that
> libncurses5, 
> ncurses-base, ncurses-bin and ncurses-term are
> installed. 
> libncurses5-dev and libncurses5-dbg are not
> installed.

you need libncurses5-dev

> The box is a recent potato installation upgraded to
> woody, running as a 
> proxy. This is the first time I try to compile the
> kernel on this 
> machine, and I never had problems compiling the
> kernel before on other 
> boxes. I use kernel-package.
> Any help on this ??  Thanks in advance !!
> Daniel
> -- 
> "There is no spoon..." - The Matrix
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