Eric G. Miller wrote:

> Yea, but don't you need a switch to change drives?
> c:\> cd d:\cygwin
> c:\> Does not compute...
> c:\> d:
> d:\> cd cygwin
> d:\cygwin> 
> Okay, that isn't the real error message... That whole drive letter
> thing is way dainbramaged...

The drive letter thing is indeed quite lame, although it probably made
better sense in the days of 4 kb RAM on an 8080 processor (MS-DOS
inherited, or stole, that design from CP/M, which did indeed run on
such limited machines).

However, your example is actually wrong. "cd d:\cygwin" is a perfectly
legal MS-DOS command; it sets the current working directory for drive D
to \cygwin, regardless of what your current drive is.


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