On Thu, 20 Dec 2001 00:21:51 -0600, Michael D. Schleif wrote:

>Craig Dickson wrote:
>> Eric G. Miller wrote:
>> However, your example is actually wrong. "cd d:\cygwin" is a perfectly
>> legal MS-DOS command; it sets the current working directory for drive D
>> to \cygwin, regardless of what your current drive is.
>Haven't I already caught you trying to foist un-tested information
>earlier in this thread?
>This fails on *ALL* of the following canonical installations:
>       MS-DOS v3.31
>       windoze 3.x
>       windoze 9x
>       windoze nt 4
>       windoze 2000
>I just finished *DEMONSTRATING* this _fact_ on five (5) systems here.

In fact, using win98se;
c:\WINDOWS>a: <enter>  => a:\
a:\cd c:\home <enter>  => a:\
a:\c:         <enter>  => c:\home

thus you have changed the working directory in the other drive without
changing your current position.


>The fact that you require a *nix shell (cygwin) on your windoze box is
>very telling.
>As I said before, this is getting very bo-o-o-o-o-o-o-ring . . .
>Best Regards,
>mds resource
>Dare to fix things before they break . . .
>Our capacity for understanding is inversely proportional to how much we
>think we know.  The more I know, the more I know I don't know . . .

Yes I fear I am living beyond my mental means--Nash

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