On Wed, Dec 19, 2001 at 11:10:18PM -0500, Glen Snyder wrote:
> I installed Nautilus from testing, and let it redraw the desktop. I'm 
> using sawfish with gnome. Nautilus drew some nice icons with sym-links. 
> Anyway, it threw the icons underneath the Sawfish icons, so it looks 
> lousy. I tried deleting the old icons, but they reappear when I login. I 
> can't seem to drag them out of the way, either. Suggestions?

Sawfish is a window manager and a window manager only, so it shouldn't
be drawing any desktop icons. Are you sure you're not still running GMC
or something similar?

> Another oddity: If I open html files with Nautilus, they are displayed 
> as raw html text....including nautilus-help (I had to use konqueror to 
> open it).

You need nautilus-mozilla.

Hope this helps :).


Andrew Sione Taumoefolau

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