On Wednesday 19 December 2001 09:24, Matt wrote:

31 years old male, married + 2 dogs, living in Israel.

Programmer for both windows and Linux(PHP,Oracle,PostgreSql,MySql, 
Delphi/Kylix,C,C++). System administrator (Novell, Windows, Linux).

Own a development, consulting and support company.

Play the guitar. Doing 3D graphics and animations with Gimp/Blender (learning 
Blender as I write this).

Like to watch and play basketball, read sci-fi.
Like to listen to Rock and Metal.

Used (and still using) many computers and OS's, to name a few - OS/2, Windows 
(all version) . Linux : Redhat, SuSE, Mandrake. Used LinuxFromScratch for 
several months (great learning experience) - worked great but the maintenance 
is a killer. Tried Debian and liked it.

I'm using Debian Sid in workstations at home and at the office. Using potato 
for servers in out office, in addition to SuSE, Mandrake and two servers one 
with Novell and the other Win2000 (relax - they're used only for support :-)

In Israel I'm considered Left wing because of the support in the peace 
process (which unfortunately seems dead for now :-( ).

Well that's enough about me.
Meir Kriheli

> Forget support and distro discussion for a second..
> Who are we here? I'm curious about what the Debian demographic is.  I
> know this is sort of an impossible thing to answer, but it'd be
> interesting to explore in vague terms who uses Debian, at least compared
> to those who don't.
> Crushing realities like, "Am I typical? Does using Debian separate me
> from the rest?"
> Controversial questions like, "Will I ever meet more than 1 or 2 female
> Debian users who are active on mailing lists? Am I a Microsoft-branded
> pinko 'cause I like open-source?"
> IT? Artsy? Young? Old? Bitter? Socialist or CrewCut? Utopian or realist?
> I'll try to break the ice a bit: white male, 22, Canada, FineArts ex-pat
> turned CompSci near-grad, downtempo and raregroove on the weekends,
> csound, php and java development on the weekdays. Left-leaning (Harpers,
> not New Republic), piano-playing, community-oriented, social. Curious
> why so many people use RedHat.
> (Just an experiment)
> cheers,
> Matt

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