23 year old American male, college student, Psychology major (I intend
to be a psychotherapist), have always been a computer geek (though not
quite a hacker; I've played around with C, C++, and Python a bit, but
don't have time to become really proficient).

Linux became my primary OS the day I first tried it, with RedHat 5.2 a
few years ago.  I switched to Mandrake later when their 6.0 version came
out, and then was disgusted enough by the bugs (and curious enough about
apt-get) to try Debian.  I haven't performed a new installation of Linux
since I installed Debian over a year and a half ago.  I also converted
my girlfriend to Linux a couple years ago, and we're both happy sid
users.  (And my gf, bless her heart, converted her college's student-run
webserver from RedHat to Debian potato.)

Thomas J. Hamman
"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us
with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."
        -Galileo Galilei

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