Alec wrote:
> Try typing "info:/" into konqueror. This will give you something to read
> until 2003.  Otherwise, RTFM is sometimes accompanied by DAFS (Do a f*
> search), which should be directing you to, say,
> with all google's search capabilities.

What I tend to say is STFW - Search The Friggin' Web - via google, 
with the package/problem and OS (version) as keywords.  Search web 
pages and groups (usenet).  I also RTFM in various books (you know, 
those paper and ink things) that are published on the subject by 
reputable companies.  My computer book expenditures are quite high, 
but that's me and my addiction.... ;)

Linda J Laubenheimer
UNIX Geek, Sysadmin, Bibliophile and Iconoclast - consultants available - personal demo site - web design gaffes (I wouldn't 
disgrace a real ISP with these) and rants about bad design.

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