on Mon, Dec 24, 2001 at 06:37:25PM +0100, Martin Emrich ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> Hi All !
> When newbies ask something, they are often asked to RTFM...

I consider this acceptable only IITTNTRFMTFR [1]

> But where do I find the Information ? Very often, neiter #man foo nor
> the contents of the /usr/doc/foo are very helpful. Where is aditional
> documentation usually installed ? Or do you know a good
> "getting-documentation-howto" ? (maybe even something in german..
> would be nice)

Assuming you know a command:

    $ command --help
    $ command -help
    $ man command

    $ info command

I ***DESPISE*** info.  The pinfo alternative helps somewhat, but the
basic concept still sucks.  It should be scrapped for a searchable
format based on HTML, XHTML, or preferably something like DocBook
capable of creating multiple output formats.

Local docs would be far more useful with a good search engine _specific
to online help_.  AFAIK, there's not a good solution to this for Debian,
RH used to be somewhat better in this regard.

If you don't know the command but have an idea of the problem area

    $ apropos concept | less    # often augmented with a grep filter
    $ locate concept

Google.  Surfraw rocks, and rocks harder with w3m:

    $ google <search term>

Ditto:  Google groups.  I still forget this exists.

HOWTOs.  I have these installed locally:


Mailing lists and boards I hang at.  Typically debian-user, svlug, and
zIWETHEY:  http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/board/show?boardid=1

Occasionally some chats and/or MUDs I hang at.



My mind.  Both for knowledge and to extract clues from the information



1.  If it tells the newbie the right fucking manual to fucking read.

Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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