"Karsten M. Self" wrote:
> on Tue, Dec 25, 2001 at 03:54:36AM -0200, Christoph Simon ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> wrote:
> > One of the declared aims of info is to provide a frame to write
> > introductions or tutorials which wouldn't fit well into a man page,
> > because that is limited to a reference manual.
> This is a supplemental function.  This documentation shouldn't attempt
> to replace something it can't:  a basic usage reference.

  exactly. IMO info is a big failure, it tries to replace something it
cannot replace by it s definition (it clearly has different purpose than
the manpage) and info reader sucks big time according to opinion of
fairly huge number of people. yes, there are other ways to read info
pages but all references are alays 'run info'. the default reader should
be something usable.

  info as such might be useful, man page clearly cannot cover ALL the
documentation needs. why didn't they think of an easy way to create a
man page from info? a sort of 'executive summary'?


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