on Tue, Dec 25, 2001 at 11:52:45PM +0100, Henrik Enberg ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> "Karsten M. Self" <kmself@ix.netcom.com> writes:
> > on Tue, Dec 25, 2001 at 01:07:23PM -0600, John Hasler ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> > wrote:
> >> I thought you were a man page enthusiast.  Now you want html
> >> documentation?  IMHO html is a lousy choice.
> >
> > It's a well known standard.  I know a lot of people (including many
> > nontechnical ones) who spend hours in a web browser.  I don't know many
> > people (including many technical ones) who spend comperable time in the
> > info browser.  It's a familiarity issue.  Sometimes the familiar is
> > superior to the "good".  Say what you will about the Web, it abstracts
> > content from the reading tool.  I can read with Galeon, Mozilla, Konq,
> > MSIE, w3m, lynx, links, or dumped to a textfile and paged with less [1].
> But none of the current browsers I'm aware of has the index and
> searching facilities that info has.  When I'm stuck with html
> documentation I'm always extremely annoyed about how hard it is to find
> what I'm looking for.

This is where the Unix philosophy takes over:  simple tools, with
well-defined tasks.  Browsing and navigating content is one task.
Searching and indexing it another.  So you create a second tool to do
the indexing.  The search/index functionality of info should be
extractable as a CGI or similar utility.  A good browser (or
command-line tool) will allow you to access that CGI readily, including
by keystroke, if you wish.

> [...]
> > Having spent a half hour or so browsing info pages via Web through
> > dwww, I have to say that info makes worse web pages than either man
> > or DocBook, though the DocBook document structure resembles the info
> > structure largely.
> This probably has something to do with the conversion.  I'm not
> familiar with dwww, but I personally think that texi2html (you'll need
> the texi sources) creates better html pages than anything you can get
> out of a man page.

AFAICT, dwww uses info2html.

> > Note too:  with DocBook, you've got the option of splitting a document
> > at major section breaks, or dumping it as One Big FileĀ®, depending on
> > your SGML parsing arguments.  Anyone know if Info's got a similar
> > functionality?
> texi2html does, if you have the texi sources.



Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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