Age 64, retired CS Prof, PhD Math '65, 2 kids in their 30s, married
the third time, happy this time, (15 years) musician (double bass)
community orch, some attempted solo work. LOTS of cats.

Computing began in 1957 with an IBM 650 borrowed for use by students
night by Math and Stat Depts from the Dairy Herd Improvement
Association at NCState, using SOAP, ForTransIT.

I messed wtih fortran and basic over the years, then CS program
started here in '78, I moved from math. There were retread CS
courses at UTKnoxville in '82
Since them I have been teaching CS courses, and doing large amounts
of reading to catch up and stay up.

Dept acquired UNIX machines in 86, SysV.2 on 3b2 400s, SysV.4 in '92
on EISA 486 33's, Linux since 93: raw linux, then SLS then
Slackware, Debian since 0.93. Ought to be an expert, but I had
expert help from some friends, (Jim Bray mostly) and I spend too
much time practicing that bass and writing books, reviewing texts
and manuscripts on C++ to get really good at Linux, Debian in

Without this list and the help from you guys, I'd be less well off
here. Thanks.

Debian GNU/Linux Because software support is free, timely,
                 useful, technically accurate, and friendly.
                 (I hope this is all of the above.)

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