On Mon, 2003-03-17 at 00:47, Roman Joost wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 16, 2003 at 11:19:41PM -0500, Trey Sizemore wrote:
> > Looking for a good download accelerator (similar to...Download
> > Accelerator...).  What are some of the favorites out there.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > Trey
> I know "axel". Similar to wget and works great, but mostly i use the old wget.

I tried axel a little over a year ago and I found it lacking. It
certainly could have come quite a ways since then.

I use prozilla. Prozilla is the console version, and there is also an X
front end called prozgui. I've been using prozgui with galeon for about
a year now with no problems except that it can't read cookies, so you
can't download from certain passworded sites with it. It uses 4
simultaneous connections and has a built in FTP search as well. Quite

Alex Malinovich
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