D. wrote:
>   Wasn't the principle behind the Download Accelerator
> to make a faster download for modem type connections??
> Do the accelerator increase the download speed on a
> DSL or Cable Modem?

Actually, it is the other way around.  If you have a high speed data
pipe but are not getting the full bandwidth out of it then doing
downloads of pieces in parallel can speed things up.  If you have a
faster pipe than the sites you are downloading from then this can
speed up your download.

But if you are on a slower connection such as I am using a DSL or, I
hate to speak it, on a _phone_line_modem_, then once you hit your own
data pipe's bandwidth limitation you are done.  Doing them in parallel
does not increase the overall speed any.  I don't get any speed up
using parallel downloaders on my DSL.  I usually get the full
bandwidth using one connection so additional ones don't help.  YMMV.
If you are downloading from sites much slower than your DSL or slower
than your, oh my gosh, _phone line modem_, then it would help you but
then I cannot believe you are a typical case.

Of course there can be other advantages such as automatically retrying
a failed connection and trying to find the faster sites and other such
features.  By downloading in parallel if one site drops out entirely
the other sites in parallel usually keep going.  A parallel queueing

If you try them and like them then fine.  But personally for me they
are more trouble then they are worth.  But then I am not downloading
movies either.


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