On Fri, 04 Jan 2002 06:57:09 -0700, Luke Call wrote:

>Thanks for the tip (somehow I didn't see it until today--sorry). I tried
>"lpc status all" also and it said:
>     lp:
>        queuing is enabled
>        printing is enabled
>        no entries
>        printer idle
>But just for interest, I still tried "lpc enable all" and "lpc restart
>all", and have the same results. Any other ideas? Thanks!
>On Wed, 02 Jan 2002 13:03:24 -0600, Gary Turner wrote:
>  >>When I try to print directly to /dev/lp0 from the command line ("cat
>  >>filename.txt > /dev/lp0") nothing happens; printing from applications
>  >>like gimp doesn't work either. It did work until recently, and I've
>  >>tried various HOWTOs, searching the web, and taking the system back to
>  >>the same configuration it had when it was working, but now I'm stumped
>  >>and out of ideas. It's not the printer because it works when I boot
>  >>windows instead. Any tips or things I could try?
>  >
>  >Sounds like something I recently went through.  Try:
>  ># lpc enable { all | printer }
>  >or
>  ># lpc restart { all | printer }
>  >
>  >One of those, I don't recall which, got me back up.  RTFM, man lpc.
>  >
>  >gt
>  >Yes I fear I am living beyond my mental means--Nash

I'm not using CUPS so this may or may not mean anything.  Have you
checked /etc/printcap to see that it's ok?  Second, I sometimes have
problems with redirection and printing.  I get similar but not identical
results.  Try, instead 'pr myfile | lpr'.  Personal choice on pr.  I
like the pagination and ability to create a margin.  Piping has not
failed me yet, and redirection has.  Of course my redirection probs are
likely due to ignorance on my part.

If this doesn't help, I got nuthin'.

Yes I fear I am living beyond my mental means--Nash

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