Thus spake Luke Call:
> When I say "nothing happens", I mean that no print jobs begin, the 
> printer (which works under Win2k, sigh) makes no sound, there is nothing 
> in /var/log/syslog or /var/log/messages or the print spool files, that I 
> can tell. If I print a large enough file (like under gimp), it takes 
> long enough to process (??), that briefly I see an item in the "lpstat" 
> output, but nothing else shows up; in seconds or less the lpstat output 
> goes blank and nothing is in the printer. Also when I "cat somefile.txt 
> > /dev/lp0" I get the same output (nothing) and no files (other than 
> lpstat output, briefly) seem to change anywhere that I've been able to 
> check.
> There are other details in the archive in other messages under this 
> thread, but I don't mind repeating anything at all--in fact I'm grateful 
> for any ideas good or bad, at this point!
Please post the output of lsmod, the end several lines of /var/log/lpr.log, 
/etc/printcap, and /var/log/cups/error_log.  This may give some
indication of what's going on.

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