On Wednesday 16 January 2002 10:33 am, Brian Schramm wrote:
> First my stats.
> Debian woody i386 from cd's bought from Cheapbytes
> After installing I then updated the system with
> dselect to the most current woody off the servers.
> I have a fixed domain name from yi.org.
> Plus I have a local network
> I have a problem with my mail working on imap and
> pop3.  I thought that I had it set up ok since I can
> ping the server as well as telnet to it on the ports
> nessasary (143 & 110).  When I try to get my mail from
> any mail program I do not connect.  I get the error as
> if I typed in the wrong mail server name.  I have
> tryed this with several installs of debian and redhat
> and am having the same error.
> What have I done wrong?

that's not really enough information to go on to be able to help you. try 
describing the topology of your local network and how it's hooked to the web.

you say you're running both pop3 and imap servers--is this on the one box?

what do you mean by 'when i try to get my mail'--you need to describe the 
environment you're working with/in.

the fact that you're consistently getting the same error means that you're 
consistently making the same mistake. perhaps a better description of your 
setup process might reveal what that is.

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