On Wednesday 16 January 2002 11:53 am, Brian Schramm wrote:
first off--and i'm guilty of this myself on occasion--you don't need to cc: 
everyone who responds. we're all reading the same list you post to.

> I have tryed several email clients to get the mail
> from this box using pop3 or imap protocals.  Every
> time I do I get an error saying that it cannot find my
> box or login failed.  Right now I only have the server
> on this network because I am rebuilding the network
> from a hardware crash.

so at least you know that the problem is less to do with the client than it 
is to do with the network configuration, so pick one client and stick with it 
for the moment. can you be more specific about the error(s) you're getting 
back from the network?
[more snippage]

> I install the distrobution and setup my users.  

which box are we talking about here?

> I then
> go into my modem setup and install the program that
> sets me up with my domain name on the internet.  

i'm really not sure what you mean with this. how do you 'go into your modem 
setup?' what app are you running to do this? can you elaborate on 'sets me up 
with my domain name on the internet?'

> What
> that does is very similar to the way gnudip does it.
> My local network is set up like any other network that
> I have ever set up.  

you've set up home networks before? or..? obviously some aspect of what 
you're doing 'ain't flyin' right, so it would serve you well to try to 
discern what distinguishes this instance from those others.

> I save the default gateway to be
> assined by the ppp system.  That way it works for both
> networks.  I also let my ppp connection assign the dns
> servers.  I use the host file for any local computers.
>  The mail server software (pop3 and imap) is installed
> as it is from the default install on debian package.

it may be installed but is it properly configured for your situation, and, 
more to the point, what is it? what server software are you using?

> The clients (kmail and netscape for two of them) are
> installed to use the opo3 or imap depending on what
> the software is compatable with.  This is following
> the instructions for the client.

which instructions are those?

does your server fail to get the mail from your isp's mail server? 
or is it that the client box can't reach the server on your network? 

what does /etc/resolv.conf look like on the box that makes the modem 
connection to your isp? does this box have a static ip number on the net it's 
calling into?

i'm trying to make sense of what you're describing. so far, it seems like 
you've got one box with a modem connection to the web that you also want use 
as a web and mail server for at least one other box on your home network. is 
this correct?

i'm also getting the impression that you are taking experience gained hooking 
a subnet to a backbone and applying it to a home net situation. is this 

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