On Tue, Jan 29, 2002 at 12:33:30AM -0500, Oleksandr Moskalenko wrote:
> > On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 10:25:24PM -0600, Corey Halpin wrote:
> > >   I'm using the following hardware: Pentium-II, 320M RAM.  Intel 440LX 
> > > AGP 
> > > chipset.  Matrox g400.
> > >   When I run quake 3, it runs for a few minutes, and then locks X such 
> > > that I 
> > > can't switch consoles.  The video freezes where it was, and the sound 
> > > starts 
> > > looping on itself.  I can ssh in.  If I kill X, it doesn't save the 
> > > console.
> > >   Does anyone have an install of Quake III that doesn't do this?
> > 
> > Try switching off sound. It doesn't lock anymore, right!
> > 
> > Its the sound drivers DMA issues or something.
> > 
> > Had this problem for a while, upgraded video cards, everything. Then found 
> > out it was sound card. I have an el cheapo by the way.
> > 
> > Maybe a high quality sound card would work better
> > 
> > Crispin
> Nope, SBLive value barfs in situations like this regularly. For example,
> on quake2 any "battle" scene slows down to an unusable level with sound
> becoming raspy and jerky and FPS getting to 2 or 3.  This is a
> combination of a Celeron-800/Matrox G400 32Mb/SBLive.
> And that card's drivers were supposed to be very good... 

Yeh. Its very dissapointing. Here Ive got a PIII-800, a GeForce 3 and a cheap 
pnp soundcard :( and I can play blistering speed Q3 but only in complete 


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