>   I'm using the following hardware: Pentium-II, 320M RAM.  Intel 440LX AGP 
> chipset.  Matrox g400.
>   When I run quake 3, it runs for a few minutes, and then locks X such that I 
> can't switch consoles.  The video freezes where it was, and the sound starts 
> looping on itself.  I can ssh in.  If I kill X, it doesn't save the console.
>   Does anyone have an install of Quake III that doesn't do this?

  After sending the above message, I went to the website of my motherboard 
manufacturer to see if there were any BIOS updates that might have to do with 
AGP.  There were, and I tried to install the newer version of the BIOS.
  Unfortunately, my old motherboard was a pile of dung.  The manufacturer's 
utility to flash the BIOS crashed halfway through the procedure, leaving me 
with a toasted motherboard that hasn't been supported for several years.
  After deciding that I lacked the patience to try fixing the old board, I 
bought a new motherboard, from a manufacturer actually worthy of touching 
  Lo and behold, after installing the new one quake runs smoothly for hours on 
end, without any problems at all.
  For anyone interested, my old motherboard was an AOpen (Acer's hardware 
division)  AX6L (440 LX chipset).  My new one is an Intel SE440BX-2.

  The moral of the story: Never buy generic hardware, because it will _always_ 
find some strange way to bite you.

Corey R. Halpin (http://www.cae.wisc.edu/~halpin/ )
Student of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
University of Wisconsin - Madison

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