> > I am trying to get my aging machine as far away from
> > Windows as humanly possible. I can't, however, get
> > Debian to recognize my NIC. When I try to run modprobe
> > rtl8139 as root, I get an error telling me that the
> > Device is not ready or in use. 
> > 
> > I'm running Debian 2.2r2 Kernel 2.2.17 
> > 
> What does 'lsmod' output and does 'dmesg' say anything about the NIC?  Are you
> absolutely sure this is the correct chipset too?
It is. I have the same card and it's rtl8139 under 2.2.x. 8139too under
> Well, I have had the strangest problems with NIC's sometimes.  The machine
> that I'm writing this from right now has two NIC's (one realtek 8139, the
> other is a 3COM 905C).  However, they would not work in _any_ OS unless I
> switched the order in the slots.  If worst comes to worst, try putting it in a
> different slot, and when the table of IRQ's shows at boot up, pause it, and
> check to make sure it has an IRQ too.  Another thing that I find helps on some
> systems is toggling the option of Plug and Play in the BIOS setup, ie. if it's
> on, try turning it off.  There also seems to be another realtek 8139 driver
> called 8139too in the Linux kernel, I have never used this, but maybe it might
> solve your particular problem.
This reminds me of a similar problem with my tv card...
Check in your mobo book (or at the manufacturer's site) to see what IRQs are
assigned to which PCI slot. Some are shared. Then switch the card to a
non-shared slot.

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