On Mon, Feb 04, 2002 at 09:43:32PM -0800, James Rende wrote:
> Folks. 
> I am trying to get my aging machine as far away from
> Windows as humanly possible. I can't, however, get
> Debian to recognize my NIC. When I try to run modprobe
> rtl8139 as root, I get an error telling me that the
> Device is not ready or in use. 
> I'm running Debian 2.2r2 Kernel 2.2.17 
> The card is a DLink DFE-530TX+ 

As others have said, try the 8139too driver.  You may also have to move to a
newer kernel (2.2.19 or later).  Be aware that DLink has put out several
revisions of that card and some need newer/different versions of the 8139


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