On Tue, Feb 05, 2002 at 07:09:40AM +0100, Alexander Steinert decreed:
> > I use mutt which uses urlview to present a list of url's in a message.
> > Lately, sometimes some of the lines in that list are blank (sometimes
> > they're *all* blank). If I count the url's in the message and arrow down
> > to the appropriate blank line it fires up lynx and takes me where I want
> > to go.
> > 
> > Has anyone else experienced this?
> I can't solve your specific problem, but you might be interested in what
> I did. Feel free to ask, if something isn't clear.
> Since I was not satisfied with urlview (just URLs, no context), I
> defined 2 keybindings in .muttrc
>     macro index \cb "|formail -I \"\" | txt2html.py > 
> $HOME/tmp/tmp.html\n!links $HOME/tmp/tmp.html\n"
>     macro pager \cb ...[the rest is the same]...
> The script txt2html.py:
>     #! /usr/bin/env python
>     """txt2html - Convert plain text to html with urls as links.
>     Usage: txt2html < in.txt > out.html
---end quoted text---

Also check out mhonarc in stable, testing and unstable.  It's
specifically geared to reformatting email as HTML with url's as links.



                  \_O<  \_O<  \_O<
 Steve Cooper          Redmond, WA

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