begin  Andreas Hetzmannseder  quotation:

> > dpkg -i blah.deb
> > [...]
> If you decided to uninstall 'blah.deb', wouldn't you run into trouble?
> One may create a 'Packages' file for some extra deb-package:
>     localhost:~# cd /usr/local
>     localhost:/usr/local# mkdir debs
>     localhost:/usr/local# cd debs
>     localhost:/usr/local/debs# mkdir package_name
>     localhost:/usr/local/debs# cp path/to/debfile package_name
>     localhost:/usr/local/debs# dpkg-scanpackages package_name\
>                                               some_empty_override_file\
>                                               debs/ > Packages
> Additional entry in /etc/apt/sources.list:
>     deb file:/usr/local debs/
> This way installing or uninstalling may be more properly achieved.
> At least I have been doing it this way, and it has been working fine.
> Any comments?

Just one: it's completely unnecessary. dpkg can uninstall any
currently-installed package. It has no need, and probably completely
ignores, the original .deb file.


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