On Tue, Feb 12, 2002 at 01:39:23PM -0500, David Z Maze wrote:
> Andreas Hetzmannseder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On Sun, Feb 10, 2002 at 12:04:01AM -0500, Ben Collins wrote:
> >> dpkg -i blah.deb
> >> [...]
> > 
> > If you decided to uninstall 'blah.deb', wouldn't you run into
> > trouble?
> Of what sort?  dpkg doesn't need the package file to uninstall an
> installed package.
> > One may create a 'Packages' file for some extra deb-package:
> ...
> > Additional entry in /etc/apt/sources.list:
> The only thing this gains you is having your packages not be
> advertised as "obsolete or locally installed" in dselect or aptitude.
> It also might be a win if you're sharing custom packages between
> several machines using a local Web server or a shared filesystem.
> [...]

Thanks for your suggestions, Mr. Maze.

I just tried out installing an extra deb-package called phoenix
via dpkg -i ...much simpler anyway :)

Interestingly I found no difference in dselect's hanling:
It is listed under 'Up-to-date Extra packages in section alien'
as it was before.

I have no experience with aptitude yet.

Removing/purging the package again was no problem at all.
I tend to use dselect all the time.

Kind regards,

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