On Fri, Feb 15, 2002 at 02:54:39PM -0600, Dimitri Maziuk wrote:
| * dman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) spake thusly:
| > On Fri, Feb 15, 2002 at 12:56:19PM -0600, Dimitri Maziuk wrote:
| > | Ok, now bitchx depends on xutils, who in turn suggests xfree86-common,
| >                                                 ^^^^^^^^
| > | who in turn depends on libaxw and so on (THIS BOX HAS NO FSCKING X!!!).
| > 
| > It is a sugggestion, not a requirement.
| Must be a brain fart: I'm sure it was "Suggests: xfree86-common" when I 
| looked at "packages that depend on xutils" in aptitude. Now that I checked,
| xutils actually *depends* on xfree86-common.

Oh, Depends and Suggests are quite different.

| Besides, that wasn't my point. I was referring to all those useless
| libraries that get installed "because somebody might want to 
| * run $foo in xterm 
| * authenticate HTTP requests against mysql database
| * etc."
| I'm sure it sounded like a reasonble idea at the time, but when 
| $foo depends on $bar who depends on $baz and so on ad nauseam, the 
| whole thing will get FUBAR eventually. All it takes is a little bug
| somewhere in the middle of dependency tree, and you'll see apt
| downloading 10GB of packages you didn't want while purging the ones
| you did want "to satisfy dependencies".

It is a tricky balancing act to find the minimal set that works, yet
still be fully functional and not extraordinarily difficult to get
more.  There is a reason I haven't upgraded apache in quite a while.



Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to
look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from
being polluted by the world.
        James 1:27

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