On Mon, 18 Feb 2002 17:32:42 -0800, Mark Ferlatte wrote:

>On Mon, Feb 18, 2002 at 02:13:54AM -0600, Gary Turner wrote (1.00):
>> Ah, but dupes are annoying at best.  How much saner would it be, if on
>I'm sort of amazed that people still get duplicates... doesn't everyone
>use procmail to filter them out?  You don't even have to write the rule

I, for one, am still using a windows box for mail.  I do use Agent,
which at least tries to act in a sane manner.  When I migrate mail to
the linbox, I will inherit all kinds of options I don't have now.  In
the meantime, I will do my part to reduce the number of duplications
floating through the ether.  Receiving dupes is a minor annoyance and
I'm not going to get bent out of shape over it--but it is annoying.

>apt-get install procmail-lib
>and then add the following two lines to your .procmailrc
>No more dups.  :)

And this will go into my notes for reference when I do get mail up on

Yes I fear I am living beyond my mental means--Nash

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